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    Coast Guard 結果共63筆

  • Taiwan criticizes China for delaying soldier’s probe

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council’s frustration over China’s delayed probe into the detention of a Taiwanese soldier. Learn about the case’s details and the call for his return.
    2024/06/24 10:08
  • China calls man’s Taiwan Strait crossing ’purely personal’

    Discover the story of a Chinese man’s daring journey across the Taiwan Strait in a speedboat, sparking a debate on national security and political tensions between Taiwan and China.
    2024/06/12 15:10
  • Taiwan’s patrol vessel docks in Hawaii for fisheries mission

    Discover the details of Taiwan’s Coast Guard vessel "Hsinchu" docking in Honolulu Harbor for its first high seas fisheries patrol mission of 2024, emphasizing Taiwan’s maritime safety efforts.
    2024/06/12 14:58
  • Taipei mayor calls for security review after boat breach

    Discover how Taipei’s mayor responds to a Chinese national’s bold maritime breach into the Tamsui River, calling for a security overhaul and accountability.
    2024/06/12 14:07
  • Taiwan admits human error in Chinese boat breach

    Discover how a Chinese national breached Taiwan’s maritime border, leading to a review of Taiwan’s coastal defense systems and disciplinary actions against Coast Guard personnel.
    2024/06/12 10:02
  • 自投羅網?送貨潛艇衝撞美荷海巡被擊沉 20億市值古柯鹼全沒收

    美國海岸巡防隊(U.S. Coast Guard)日前在佛州港口卸載一批超過4800磅(約等於2177公斤)的古柯鹼,市值超過6300萬美元(約新台幣20億4175萬元)。根據官方聲明指出,這批古柯鹼是兩天前,巡防隊員在加勒比海擊沉一艘運毒快艇後取得的。該執法行動由荷蘭皇家海軍主導,在委內瑞拉外海發生,當時聯合執法的艦艇在公海發現,一艘疑似走私毒品的小型快艇,發出通知要求停船卻無人回應,對方甚至直接駕駛船隻衝撞巡防隊船艦,但最終被優勢火力擊沉,船上走私人員也落海失蹤。
    2024/06/09 14:16
  • Premier pledges full support for Taiwan Coast Guard

    Discover how Taiwan’s government is bolstering the Coast Guard with over NT$90 million in investments for new patrol vehicles, aiming to enhance maritime security and law enforcement. Learn about the agency’s success in combating smuggling and illegal fishing.
    2024/06/03 14:48
  • 11 Chinese vessels spotted near Taiwan: MND

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s defense response as the Ministry of National Defense reports monitoring 11 Chinese naval and coast guard vessels in the Taiwan Strait.
    2024/05/22 14:25
  • Taiwan’s opposition to reaffirm sovereignty on Taiping

    Taiwanese opposition legislators are set to visit Taiping Island to observe military activities and assert sovereignty, potentially stirring tensions in the contested South China Sea.
    2024/05/16 18:26
  • Ocean Affairs Minister promotes maritime careers

    Ocean Affairs Council Minister Kuan Bi-ling encourages students at Central Police University to join maritime patrol, highlighting the role’s importance in safeguarding maritime sovereignty, fighting crime, and ensuring safety at sea. Kuan commits to supporting educational resources and promoting international cooperation to enhance maritime patrol capabilities and uphold the "three safeties."
    2024/05/03 11:49
  • Chinese cargo ship sinks near Kinmen, crew members rescued

    Chinese cargo ship Ruicheng 6 sank off Kinmen amid dense fog; 12 crew members rescued by nearby vessel Tung I 602 and returned to China; 7 tons of heavy oil leaked from sunken ship.
    2024/04/17 16:56
  • 3男重演《浩劫重生》 困無人荒島用棕櫚葉排「HELP」奇蹟獲救

    美國海軍和海岸警衛隊(U.S. Coast Guard)9日進行營救行動,將3名受困在太平洋小島上超過1周的民眾救出,令人驚奇的是這3人竟是靠著在白色沙灘上用棕櫚葉拼出「救命」(HELP)、被經過的飛機發現後才獲救,宛若電影般的過程引起討論。
    2024/04/12 10:08
  • Pingtung fishing vessel returns, CGA probes disappearance

    The "Hung Hsing Yu" fishing vessel returns safely to Yanpu Fishing Port in Pingtung after being detained by the CGA at Singda Harbor Coast Guard Base, Kaohsiung, with no evidence of wrongdoing found. The ship had been missing for five days, sparking an investigation into its disappearance and lack of communication, attributed to a generator failure. The captain and two Indonesian crew members are safe.
    2024/04/09 18:39
  • Search intensifies for missing boat after Hualien quake

    Taiwan’s Coast Guard and National Rescue Command Center continue the search for the "Hung Hsing Yu" fishing vessel, missing since the Hualien earthquake on April 3. The boat, from Donggang, Pingtung, carried three people, including Captain Chen and two Indonesian fishermen. Despite extensive efforts, including dispatching ships and helicopters, the vessel remains unlocated.
    2024/04/08 14:21
  • Taiwanese fishermen rescued by Chinese Coast Guard

    Two Taiwanese fishers, surnamed Hu and Wu, were rescued by the Chinese Coast Guard after drifting out to sea from Kinmen. Authorities on both sides are coordinating their repatriation following a joint rescue effort.
    2024/03/18 16:28
  • Urgent search for 2 missing fishermen near Bei Ding Island

    Two fishermen from Kinmen, surnamed Wu and Hu, went missing after setting off for a sea venture near Bei Ding Island. The vessel they used has not been located. The search operation by the Kinmen Coast Guard continues as authorities plan to resume efforts once the fog clears.
    2024/03/18 10:43
  • Search continues for missing 2 Chinese fishermen

    Taipei: Mainland China fishing boat capsizes off Dongding Island, leaving 2 dead and 2 missing. Coast guard in frantic search as hope hangs on the critical 72-hour window.
    2024/03/15 12:10
  • Chinese fishing boats caught trespassing Miaoli waters

    Coast Guard Administration officials confirm three Chinese fishing vessels entered Taiwan’s waters off Miaoli. Patrol boats withdrew due to bad weather, but a Yilan warship drove the vessels away.
    2024/03/14 15:57
  • Taiwan’s military refutes rumors amid sea rescue

    The Army Kinmen Defense Command responds to a Chinese fishing vessel incident near Dongding Island, with crew members in critical condition. Online speculation about the cause is refuted, emphasizing the commitment to humanitarian rescue efforts.
    2024/03/14 15:17
  • Chinese fishing boat capsizes: 2 dead, 2 missing

    Chinese fishing boat Minlong Fishing 61222 capsized off Kinmen, leaving two dead, two missing, and two survivors. Search and rescue operations are ongoing with resources deployed from both China and Taiwan.
    2024/03/14 11:07
  • Officials clash over Kinmen-Xiamen water passage

    Amid tensions, Kuomintang legislator questions passage of Chinese dredging vessels in Kinmen waters. Premier responds. Spokesperson criticizes Taiwan officials. Coast Guard clarifies regulations.
    2024/03/13 18:21
  • Taiwan clarifies dredging ship restrictions amid tensions

    In a legislative session, Taiwanese lawmaker Chen Yu-jen questions China’s dredging vessels passing through restricted waters off Kinmen. Premier Chen Chien-jen and Ocean Affairs Council Minister Kuan Bi-ling deny this possibility. Tensions escalate in the Kinmen-Xiamen waters following a recent incident involving a capsized Chinese fishing boat.
    2024/03/13 18:21
  • Chinese families demand truth in coast guard clash

    The controversy surrounding the death of Chinese fishermen in a Taiwan Coast Guard Administration operation intensifies as family representatives demand truth and accountability. Negotiations hinge on Taiwan’s sincerity, with demands for an apology, accountability, and compensation remaining non-negotiable. Accusations of Taiwan’s inconsistent narrative and lack of consensus on basic facts hinder effective negotiations.
    2024/03/06 11:22
  • Philippines-China tensions rise over sea dispute

    The Chinese Coast Guard claims regulation of Filipino vessels near the Second Thomas Shoal in the Nansha Islands. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. warns of retaliation if South China Sea sovereignty is disregarded. Tensions rise as Marcos accuses China of aggressive actions in the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone. China questions the Philippines’ stance on the South China Sea issue, criticizing Manila for manipulating international opinion and disrupting regional stability.
    2024/03/05 17:15
  • KMT slams CGA for renaming report on fatal boat collision

    The Kuomintang criticizes the Coast Guard Administration for unilaterally changing a report title on a speedboat incident. The KMT calls it an act of arrogance and disrespect towards parliamentary oversight. The incident resulted in the death of two Chinese fishermen.
    2024/03/04 10:43
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